7th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial – “Tradition & Innovation”

The three-dimensional picture “… Life is what happens while you make other plans…” – 2018 was selected by an international jury for the 7th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial – “Tradition & Innovation” – with the theme – “QUO VADIS?”.
The exhibition will take place from 15.06.2023 to 17.09.2023 in the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design – Skarnu Street 10, 1010 Riga, Latvia – and in The Art Museum „Riga Bourse“ – The Dome Square 6, 1010 Riga, Latvia.
My work will be exhibited in The Art Museum „Riga Bourse“ – The Dome Square 6, 1010 Riga, Latvia.
The participation is sponsored by: